Foundation Course®

Duration 2 days

On the Foundation Course participants will learn the:

  • Ten Components of the Thinking Environment® that help people to think well for themselves and in teams; and
  • practical applications of a Thinking Environment®.

Eleven Thinking Environment® Applications

4 Building blocks 5 Full applications 2 Bespoke applications
  • Rounds
  • Thinking pairs
  • Dialogue
  • Open discussion
  • Transforming Meetings®
  • Time to Think Council®
  • Presentations
  • Building Incisive Questions®
  • Timed Talk (Emerging from Conflict
  • Facilitating groups
  • Interviews

The programme is structured to allow participants maximum practice and space to think on issues important to them. Up to 10 participants may enrol on the programme.

Target audience includes:

  • leaders and professionals who wish to increase the quality of thinking and dialogue in organisations and the work they do;
  • educators;
  • human resource and training professionals;
  • transformation managers and other change agents;
  • government officials; and
  • individuals who wish to create their emerging future with new thinking and understanding.